This article is in memory of my Father-in-law, Yair-chai Ben Yehoshua z”l.
Our Parasha opens with the pasuk: “Vayishlach Yaakov mal’a’chim lefanaiv el Esav achiv” - “Then Yaakov sent mal’a’chim ahead of him to Esav” (32:4)
In Hebrew the word “mal’a’chim” has two meanings. One is ‘emissaries’, human beings messengers, and the other is - ‘angels’.
Which one of these two is our pasuk referring to?
The Midrash introduces two interpretations: “Mal’achim elu sheluchei basar vadam. Rabanan amru mal’achim mamash” -
"Mal’ac’him are flesh-and-blood emissaries. The Rabbis are saying real angels.” (Bereshith Raba 70:5)
In Aramaic there are two different words. “Mal’a’chim - Angels" is translated as “mal’a’chiya”; "Mal’a’chim - emissaries" is translated as “izgadain”.
In our parasha Unkelos translates the word “mal’a’chim” as “izgadin”, i.e, ‘emissaries’.
Rashi, who in most cases interpret pesukim in their ordinary meaning (kifshuto), here in our Parasha he writes “mal’achim mamash” - ‘real angels’.
Why did Rashi choose to interpret the word “Mal’a’chim” as “Real Angels”, and not as “human beings messengers”?
HaRav Ya’akov Kaminetzki has an explanation based on Perush HaMalbim. The Malbim asked a question:
Why did Yitzchak want to bless Esav and not Ya’akov? Why did he want to bless Esav with material goodness? The reason the Malbim gives is, Yitzchak wanted to make a partnership between Esav and Ya’akov, same as the partnership between Yisachar and Zevulun. He envisioned that Yaakov will engage in Torah learning, and Esav will support him.
Based on this understanding, says HaRav Ya’akov Kaminetzki, the reason of why Yaakov sent mal’achim, angels, is not to see if Esav is planning to kill him, but to know if now is the time when Yizchak’s vision could be realized, whether Esav is ready for such partnership. An emissary - a human being messenger, may understand whether Esav is planning to attack Yaakov, but insight into Esav’s mind, would be possible only to God’s angels, and not human beings emissaries.
This is the reason why Rashi says “Mal’achim mamash” - real angels.
Aharon Gal
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